Thursday, December 9, 2010

Android SDK - Emulator - on MAC

Ok, now that i have my first app built in android, i want to give it to my client for a demo who does not have a android PAD, (or yet to have one) they have to use the emulator which comes with android SDK to install the APP and show it running like its an android device....
the steps are pretty much simple
(please note you dont need Eclipse or any plugin to just run a APK (android package), - they are needed only for developers to debug and stuff)...

1) install android SDK(google has enuf details for it)
2) RUN the emulator so taht it starts up and ready to install your app
3) copy the APK file to a particular folder (say Desktop)
4) open up the terminal and navigate to the andoird SDK folder

$ cd ./android
$ cd platform-tools
your current working directory would be the platform-tools which contains a file called ADB.exe which will install the APK to the android emulator device...
execute the command
$ ./adb install "APK file name"

it will show some messages like installing etc., and has to finally say SUCCESS...

go to the emulator and open up the menu by clicking the android menu button (its the little dots stacked at the bottom of the page and not the button labelled "MENU" on the emulator)

you must then see your app being displayed as an icon....

happy androiding...

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